Saturday, June 27, 2009

Skincare 1: Toner

I was introduced to this toner by a friend of my sister.  She is working in this MLM company and I decided to try out the skincare since it is a) affordable and b) I have never tried this brand before.

I actually bought almost the full set of skincare but have been slowly incorporating them one at a time into my regime (since I still have lotsa skincare left from all my shopping addiction).

A short mention of the company:  The company is the biggest grower of aloe vera in the world and all their skincare all contains a minimum of 30% stabilized aloe vera in them

I am not endorsing the company that is selling this brand (even though I had joined as a member to get the skincare at distributor price) so I will not be posting their price and where to get them from, in public.

So the first to be used is the toner since I ran out of my old one.

Hydrating Toner edited

My first impression of the toner is that well, it is pretty liquid, not like those viscious ones that feels sticky on the face.  Nothing much to ra ra about since the packaging is not that spectacular looking.  But I do like the light natural fragrance of the aloe vera coupled with a wee bit of floral notes incorporated in the formula.

I noticed that after the first bottle, my skin looks more calm (I am prone to having redness on my skin since I use AHA and Vit A on my skin) and my face color is more even.

I am onto my second bottle of this toner.  Now I am a brand whore and I am into new and upcoming stuff all the time.  To say that I am using a repeat of something goes to show that besides doing its job it is also very affordable! – something very important in this economy.

So will I repurchase a 3rd bottle?  Like what Mr Big says:  Abso-fucking-lutely!

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